Our elders
Well-being massages are indeed endowed with wonderful virtues to make the daily life of our elders lighter and brighter, to create bridges between body and soul , between them and us.
In aging people, the body bears the marks of the passage of time. He is the reflection of their life path, with its joys and wounds. at a slower pace with often reduced mobility.
It can sometimes be a painful body from the weight of years or disease.
A body that needs to take its time to keep moving forward and that needs time to be taken with it, at its own pace.
As a caregiver for dependent people for several years, I was able to experience what massage brought them as a source of well-being.
Massage allows relaxation. It comforts and brings energy. It is a bridge between body and mind. Massage supports physical and emotional well-being.
Our skin is the bearer of our oldest memory, that of our first sensations, emotions that remain etched there forever. And it is through it that we can feel the present life to the end.
“The body is a whole story.
The body is an appearance, it is a movement,
It gives a shape and a self-image.
It is our signature to the world.
It is a sign of being, it is a requirement to be.
The body signs our identity, it transcends it.
He carries within him our deep being, he defines it,
Sometimes he suffers. It can be cumbersome to live.
The body is made of flesh and blood, muscle and bone.
It is also made up of thoughts and words.
The body is our concreteness, our reality.
He keeps within himself all the weight, heaviness or lightness, of our emotions.
The body carries our history.
An individual story, a story of singular transmission
The body carries stories, stories of families, culture and group.
He carries with him the memory of the dead.
Between the living and the dead, the body is a messenger ...
Messenger sometimes heard, sometimes ignored,
Sometimes remained enigmatic as if waiting to be deciphered ...
Our body tells our story.
The body is quite a story. "
Catherine Potel.
Any use of the term "massage" on this site refers to wellness massages.
The services have no therapeutic purpose and, due to their nature, are in no way related, neither in content nor in objectives, to the practice of Masso-kinesitherapy, as well as to any medical practice.
In addition, they have no sexual, erotic or tantric aim and are made with respect and listening to the person and the practitioner.
S ESSION by appointment only.
Cancellation : in the event of impediment, I thank you for agreeing to warn me at least 48 hours in advance.
No treatment should be stopped without the advice of your doctor.
The sessions are not medical acts (no diagnosis) and are in no way a substitute for treatment or medical follow-up.
In accordance with the law of April 30, 1946, decree No. 60665 of July 4, 1960, articles L 489 of the decree of October 8, 1996.
Niuma Harmony